Tuesday, March 27, 2012



Bullfrog bullfrog bullfrog bullfrog
Hiding down in the weeds
Croaking by the marshy reeds
Searching for his love
Bullfrog bullfrog bullfrog bullfrog
Hunkered down in the mud
He starts his call when the trees bud
Bluegills swim below
Rana catesbiena Rana catesbiena
He starts his life as an egg
Hatches in about 5 days
Now he is a tadpole
Bullfrog bullfrog bullfrog bullfrog
He catches bugs with his tongue
Calling out jug-o-rum
Jumping all around
Rana catesbiena Rana catesbiena

Bullfrog Lesson
The scientific name for the bullfrog is Rana Catesbieana. There is no simple translation for the word Rana but it comes from a Roman word that means "true frogs." The word Cat – is – bee –yah –na comes from the name of a scientist named Mark Catesby. Do you remember how Carl Linne changed his name to Carolus Linneaus? Well the scientists did the same thing to Mr. Catesby’s name.Now on to the important business of describing the bullfrogs. Bullfrogs are the largest frogs in North America. Female bullfrogs lay thousands and thousands of eggs which are then fertilized by the male. Soon these eggs grow into tadpoles which look like fish. Bullfrogs live as tadpoles for up to 3 years! During this time the tadpole grows legs and one day crawls onto the land to begin life as a genuine bullfrogs.

A male bullfrogs picks his territory and defends it from other males. The male bullfrog will fight another bullfrog if he invades his territory. The bullfrog grabs his opponent with his front legs. When the bullfrog has his opponent secure he flips him over with his powerful hind legs. Luckily, male bullfrogs do not always have to fight other males because each frog can hear the mighty roar of the bullfrog mating call. This loud "jug-o-rum" sound lets other bullfrogs know the territory of an individual frog. The only frog allowed in the territory is the female for whom the male bullfrog serenades with his throaty song.

Humans not only enjoy the sound of the bullfrog but also their mighty legs which can be deep fried in batter and eaten like a chicken leg. This tasty treat even tastes like chicken!!

Unfortunately, the bullfrog has been introduced into the Western United States where it has pushed out some of the natural living things in those areas. The cowboys may start lassoing bullfrogs instead of longhorns.

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